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Setup Project

You can initialize the project at once by using the create-rediagram-project command.


You can use the yarn command to install packages and initialize projects with a single command.


  1. Initialize the project by specifying the project name.

    # yarn create rediagram-project <project-name>$ yarn create rediagram-project my-rediagram  🌈 Creating new rediagram project in my-rediagram.  ...
  2. Move to your project's directory and make sure your project is initialized.

    # Move to the specified directory$ cd my-rediagram# Display file tree$ tree . -I node_modules -a  .  ├── .editorconfig  ├── .rediagramrc.yaml  ├──  ├── img  │   └── .gitkeep  ├── package.json  ├── src  │   └── MyInfra.rediagram.tsx  ├── tsconfig.json  └── yarn.lock
      2 directories, 8 files
    import React from 'react';import { PNG, Diagram, GeneralIcon } from 'rediagram';import { AWS, InvizAWS, EC2, Lambda, Region, SecurityGroup, AutoScalingGroup } from '@rediagram/aws';
    PNG(  <Diagram title="My Infra">    <InvizAWS>      <AWS>        <Region name="Asia Pacific (Tokyo)">          <AutoScalingGroup>            <EC2 name="REST API" type="Instance" upstream={['worker4']} />          </AutoScalingGroup>          <SecurityGroup>            <Lambda name="worker4" type="Lambda Function" upstream={['worker5', 'worker6']} />            <Lambda name="worker5" type="Lambda Function" />            <Lambda name="worker6" type="Lambda Function" />          </SecurityGroup>        </Region>      </AWS>      <GeneralIcon name="Browser" type="Client" upstream={['REST API']} />    </InvizAWS>  </Diagram>,);
  3. The yarn start command outputs MyInfra.rediagram.png in the img directory.

    $ yarn start  $ rediagramc
    $ tree . -I node_modules -a  .  ├── .editorconfig  ├── .rediagramrc.yaml  ├──  ├── img  │   ├── .gitkeep  │   └── MyInfra.rediagram.png  ├── package.json  ├── src  │   └── MyInfra.rediagram.tsx  ├── tsconfig.json  └── yarn.lock
      2 directories, 9 files

    The rediagramc command is provided in the @rediagram/cli package.

    Executes the file with the pattern specified by includes in .rediagramrc.yaml.